Interested on getting some inglot goodies? Don't fret because I am here to help! Just drop a comment/message and I will try my best to assist! Happy shopping!
Berminat untuk mendaptkan goodies dari Inglot? Jangan risau kerana saya ada di sini untuk membantu! Hanya perlu komen/mesej dan saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk membantu! Happy shopping!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Want to achieve that radiant dewy look?

AMC corrective illuminator

Now you can with the AMC Corrective Illuminator, a light consistency and crease resistant cream formulated with satin pearl pigments; Sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit, it reflects light to diffuse dark eye circles. Ia juga mempunyai vitamin C yang merupakan anti penuaan, anti oxident dan parut pemulihan. Comes in 6 different pearly shades.
RM 80.

Want to hide those dark spots that is bothering you?

Perfect Concealer

Just use this to make it go away, swipe some on and dab it until is well blended! Features: precise application, visually removes small imperfections like dark spots, redness, fine lines and silky smooth formula. Ramuan khas: pigmen berteknologi tinggi dan Vitamin E. Comes in 9 different shades.
RM 56.

AMC Cream Concealer

AMC Cream Concealer
Achieve perfect coverage with the AMC Cream Concealer; formulated with light diffusing particles that makes discolouration invisible, it has vitamin A and vitamin E in it, and pigments that can create a “soft focus” effect. Green concealer is good for covering red spots and broken capillaries.
Tip: Apply with a synthetic brush on the desired area then pat the concealer on with your fingertips until it is completely absorbed. Comes in 8 shades.

Inglot's best seller: The make up base.

Under Makeup Base
Why do you need a primer you ask?
The answer is simple, because it will make your foundation last all day.
This primer is silky and it has a smooth feel gel which is made
by dispersing oil swellable sponge-like spheres in a mixture of sillicones.
Sponge-like spheres absorb the excess facial oil as much as avaliable to reach a saturation equilibrium.
Apa yang anda perlukan hanyalah jumlah yang kecil untuk seluruh muka anda! Saves a lot!
Cara memakai: Gently smooth over skin with clean fingers or a sponge, kemudian tunggu 2-3 minit sebelum memakai foundation atau powder.     